physical problems in magnetobiology, electromagnetobiology, and electromagnetic biophysics


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A Theory of The Interference of Angular Molecular States

The interference of two or more waves resulting in a new wave pattern is a general property of elastic, electromagnetic, and other waves, for which the superposition principle is valid. According to de Broglie hypothesis of the universal wave-particle dualism, any material particle should reveal wave properties. Interference can be observed when the de Broglie wavelength is comparable with the observation system scale. This restriction does not allow one to observe the interference of macroscopic objects. At the same time, the interference of electrons, atomic beams, and even molecular beams, but not of their bound states is well known. The present theory suggests that the interference of angular molecular states of small molecules bound inside protein cavities could be also observable at some specific conditions.

One of the models of this theory considers a molecular gyroscopic rotator. Its probability to react with the surrounding medium depends on magnetic field. A variable magnetic field is known to produce the eddy electric field. On the whole, the charge density in a molecular rotator is distributed non-uniformly over the molecule volume. Hence, the eddy electric field exerts a torque, which accelerates or slows down the random thermal rotations of the molecule. The molecule is assumed to be inside of a protein cavity so that its two edges form covalent bonds, i.e. supports, with the cavity walls. In this case, thermal oscillations of the supports produce only zero torque about the rotation axis. Therefore, the gyroscopic degree of freedom thermalizes slowly, due to the relatively weak van der Waals interaction with the cavity walls. Then the magnetic field efficiently controls the rotation of the molecule by the eddy electric field.

Under particular combinations of the frequency and amplitude of the magnetic field, it induces very specific non-uniform rotation of the molecule. The molecule remains practically still almost over the entire period of the field oscillation. Then it quickly rotates over the complete angle, and so on. In such dynamic mode, the reaction probability of the side groups of the molecule with its surrounding increases. In the theory, the molecular rotations are described in a quantum way, as the interference of quantum states, since the de Broglie wavelength of the molecule over the angle variable is of the order of π even at the room temperature. Because of the interference, magnetic fields can change the equilibrium constant of the reaction. Results of many experiments in magnetobiology, on the one hand, and calculations within the framework of this theory, on the other hand, are in a good agreement.


V.N. Binhi. Parametric resonance in magnetobiology: Review of the ideas of Arber, Chiabrera, Lednev, Zhadin, Blackman, and Binhi. Uchenye Zapiski Tavricheskogo Natsionalnogo Universiteta (Proceedings of the Tavria National University, Crimea, Ukraine). Series Chemistry, Biology. 18(57), No.1, P.40–50, 2005. In Russian

V.N. Binhi. Reply to «Comment on “Molecular gyroscopes and biological effects of weak extremely low-frequency magnetic fields”». Physical Review E, 68(023902)1–3, 2003.

V.N. Binhi. Non-thermal biological effects of electromagnetic fields. Science and Technologies in Industry (3-4):74–77, 2002. In Russian. 

V.N. Binhi and A.V. Savin. Molecular gyroscopes and biological effects of weak extremely low-frequency magnetic fields. Phys Rev E 65(051912):1–10, 2002.

V.N. Binhi. Molecular gyroscope as a likely target for weak electromagnetic fields in biological systems. 5th International Congress of the European BioElectromagnetic Association (EBEA), 6-8 September 2001, Helsinki, Finland. Abstracts, pp.161–162. DJVU 17 kB

V.N. Binhi, Ye.D. Alipov, and I.Ya. Belyaev. Effect of static magnetic field on E. coli cells and individual rotations of ion-protein complexes. Bioelectromagnetics 22(2):79–86, 2001. 

V.N. Binhi. Amplitude and frequency dissociation spectra of ion-protein complexes rotating in magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics, 21(1):34–45, 2000. DJVU 96 kB

V.N. Binhi and R.J. Goldman. Ion-protein dissociation predicts "windows" in electric field-induced wound-cell proliferation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1474:147–156, 2000. DJVU 87 kB

V.N. Binhi. Magnetic Noise and Biological Effects. 21 BEMS Meeting June 20–24, 1999 Long Beach, California USA. DJVU 16 kB

V.N. Binhi. Ion Interference Mechanism for Biological Effects of the Amplitude Modulated Microwaves. 21 BEMS Meeting June 20–24, 1999 Long Beach, California USA. DJVU 16 kB

V.N. Binhi. Interference mechanism for some biological effects of pulsed magnetic fields. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 45:73–81, 1998. 
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