A Whole Body Magnetic Exposure System

at The Scientific Clinical Center of The Public Corporation "Russian Railways"

Система магнитной экспозиции "ФАРАДЕЙ" (Научный клинический центр ОАО РЖД, Москва)


Scientific Clinical Center, Moscow
Scientific Clinical Center
Meteopathology and Magnetobiology Dept
Meteopathology and Magnetobiology Department
Отделение метеопатологий и магнитобиологии
General view of the exposition box
Общий вид бокса экспозиции
FARADAY Control Room
FARADAY control room
Комната управления системой "Фарадей"

The system "FARADAY" is designed mostly to monitor the local magnetic field in the exposition box. It also can be used for recording and replay the magnetic storms.

Система ФАРАДЕЙ предназначена для мониторинга локального магнитного поля внутри бокса экспозиции. Она также может быть использована для записи и последующего воспроизведения магнитных бурь.

Technical characteristics:
Box size2.5x2.5x2.5 m3
Rate and depth of the magnetic field records and replay1000 Hz, 16 bit
Max magnetic field amplitude around local static field3 microT
Max duration of a magnetic storm replay72 hours
AC magnetic field nonuniformity over the human trunk in the system's center< 1.8%
Suppression ratio of the quasistatic magnetic field power at frequencies> 1000 at f < 0.1 Hz
> 100 at f = 1--5 Hz
> 10 at f = 50 Hz
Suppression ratio of the quasistatic electrical field> 100
Rest AC magnetic field amplitude within frequency ranges, at working hours< 1 nT for f < 10 Hz
< 15 nT for f > 10 Hz

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